Private Online Support Group and Events For Reiki Students

Wow! Reiki, reiki, reiki. By now you would have had the opportunity to receive your attunement to the 2nd Degree Reiki energies. Well done! But it doesn't end here.

As a student of mine I'd like to continue walking with you as you grow in your healing abilities. This is why I have created a private group in Facebook just for my students and I.

You may have already joined this group from the 1st Degree Training but if you haven't yet, here's what it's all about.

In the group you'll have access to even MORE healing resources such as

  • healing videos
  • articles
  • guided meditation journeys
  • live videos
  • Reiki resources
  • audio files
  • Healing Gathering events in person throughout the year if you're local
  • Invitations to receive a free 60 - 90 minute session when we need a volunteer to work on in live workshops
  • Distant Healing Events throughout the year if you're interstate or overseas.

Access to our private group is in the next lecture. I really hope to see you in there so we expand on the subject of Reiki even further. It's also a place where you can get some practice in and set new Reiki routines for yourself and for your business if you decide to grow your Reiki into an income stream.

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